Juniper Green & Baberton Mains Community Council

Category Name

Current Status of Planning Lists for Juniper Green & Baberton Mains community at 23/07/24



24/02692/FUL - Proposed single storey extension to property along with all associated works. at 30 Woodhall Avenue Juniper Green EH14 5BU.    



          24/02765/FUL - Conversion from takeaway (Class 3) to dwelling (Class 9). at 555 Lanark Road Juniper Green EH14 5DE.  Comments due by 12/07/24

24/03180/FUL - Alterations and extension to house. at 12 Woodhall Terrace Juniper Green EH14 5BR.  Comments due by 09/08/24









          24/01334/FUL - 134 Baberton Mains Drive - Convert existing garage into a bedroom with an en-suite bathroom and rear extension – awaiting assessment


7.       APPEAL 



24/02893/FUL - Proposed conversion of existing coach house in Spylaw Park into a new Community Hub. The proposal included lifting the roof of the existing building to accommodate a new first floor of accommodation and provide direct access from the Water of Leith Walkway. Building is currently used as storage by Colinton Village Enterprise and opened for the occasional community events. at Land North Of Spylaw House Spylaw Street Edinburgh 


The next Community Council Meeting will be held at The Hub, 531 Lanark Road on Wednesday 28 August 2024 at 7.30pm




1.       Apologies


2.         Minutes of Last Meeting


3.         HW students (x5) presenting project to extend tram route from Edinburgh Park to Balerno, 15 mins.


4.         Muir Wood field update – CB / EG 10 mins


5.         Removal of razor wire around Baberton GC perimeter where it joins Bloomiehall Park EG 5 mins


6.         CEC Legal update on Belmont Road to clarify status re common good land – Neil Gardiner – 10 mins


7.         CEC update on refurbishment of two storey building backing onto Bloomiehall Park – Fiona ? 5 mins


8.         Pentlands Funding Panel – Vic – 10 mins


9.         Village Hall wall repairs commenced – Vic/ James – 5 mins


10.    Bloomiehall Football pitch – quality of surface – health and safety concerns due to holes (dug by dogs?) 10 mins


11.    Local Place Plans give communities the right to produce their own plans for the development and use of land. Planning authorities are required to take registered Local Place Plans into account when preparing the Local Development Plan." ALL 20 mins


12.    Future membership & New Chairperson

13.    Councillors’ Corner


14.    Reports and Recent Meetings


a.         Secretary

b.        Treasurer

c.         Local Planning Matters

d.        School


15.    Any Other Community Business


The next Community Council Meeting will be held at The Hub, 531 Lanark Road on Wednesday 24 January 2024 at 19.30 hours





1.       Apologies


2.       Minutes of Last Meeting


3.       14 Belmont Road


4.       Neighbours in Baberton Incident


5.       Community Council Focus 2024


a.       SW Communities Corridor Project

b.       Greenspaces

c.       Bin Provision and collection

d.       Transport

e.       Baberton Mains Defibrillator

f.         Practice Boundary Consultation: 70906 Sighthill Red MP Local

g.       Place Plans and City Plan 2040

h.       Democracy Matters event Saturday 10 February 2024 (Lynn)


6.       Councillors’ Corner


7.       Reports and Recent Meetings


a.       Secretary

b.       Treasurer

c.       Local Planning Matters

d.       School


8.       Any Other Community Business

Community Council Meeting - Wednesday 25 October 2023 @ 7.30pm, Pentland Community Space



  1. 1. Apologies 

  2. 2. Minutes of last meeting and actions arising 

  3. 3. 14 Belmont Road
  4. 4. Community Council Focus for 2023 

  5. a. SW Communities Corridor Project 

  6. b. Greenspaces

  7. c. Bin provision and collection 

  8. d. Transport

  9. e. Baberton Mains Defibrillator
  10. 5. Councillors' Corner

  11. 6. Reports and Recent Meetings 

  12. a. Secretary 

  13. b. Treasurer 

  14. c. Local Planning Matters 

  15. d. School

  16. 7. AOCB 

Juniper Green and Baberton Mains Community Council October 2023 Newsletter

JGBMCC Newsletter

Juniper Green and Baberton Mains Community Council October 2023 Newsletter

1.     JGBMCC: Search for New Blood

2.     Pentlands Book Festival: 6-20 November.  Tickets now released

3.     Friends of Baberton Mains: meeting 15th November

4.     Poppy Appeal

5.     Papermaking could return to Juniper Green





1.     JGBMCC Search for New Blood


Juniper Green and Baberton Mains Community Council needs another resident to join the Community Council as soon as possible. We work with our local elected Councillors, Edinburgh Council officials, and others to improve our area in whatever way - be it schools, bus services, health services, green spaces, planning matters, infrastructure, etc.


If you have an interest in being the next Chair of the CC, so much the better.


If you want to get more information and have an informal chat with the current Chair and/or other members of the CC, please email




2.     Pentlands Book Festival: 6-20 November.  Tickets now released


Tickets have been released for all PBF 2023 events on Eventbrite and at Colinton and Currie Libraries.  All events are free to attend but donations are always appreciated. 


You can find all the information regarding the events: who is appearing, where, when, and a brief bio, on our website and Facebook page Tickets are available via the Eventbrite links on the website and the individual events set up on our Facebook page. 


But please note that spaces on the Botanics Library visit and visit to Malleny Gardens are booked by phone call to Liz Beevers on 0131 453 4115.  Also please note that no tickets are needed for the Local Authors’ Showcase – just come along!





3.     Friends of Baberton Mains: meeting 15th November


The “Friends of Baberton Mains” (formerly “Friends of the Grassie”) group held its inaugural informal meeting on 11th October to discuss how to improve the grassland areas which surround the Baberton Mains estate.  We are looking for more residents to attend these meetings and to contribute their thoughts.


The next meeting will be on Wednesday 15th November at 5pm in the Hub@531 on Lanark Road.


We are planning at some stage to do some planting of bulbs and wildflower seeds, so any donations of such would be much appreciated. 


Any comments, donations, or enquiries, please contact Lynn on





4.     Poppy Appeal


Once again JGBMCC, supported by Currie Community Council, will be selling poppies in support of the national appeal.  This year a new environmental-friendly design is being introduced to replace the plastic poppy with a sustainable biodegradable design.  The Scottish four-stem design was first launched in 1926 with the opening of Lady Haig’s Poppy Factory in Edinburgh and over the years small changes have been introduced.  Rather than ditch the old stock, it is being used up this year, so you never know which version you might get!


Poppies will be on sale at local businesses including schools etc.  Around  42% of national donations are now cashless but we can of course accept cash too.


Please help us exceed last year’s contribution of £2,015 for such a worthy cause.




5.     Papermaking could return to Juniper Green


Paper-making could return to Juniper Green … if you want it


If you are interested in participating in a papermaking workshop, please read on.


The workshop lasts around 3 hours and covers:


·        Background to basic paper science and history.

·        Pulp preparation – the tutor prepares pulp in advance but demonstrates a version of the process that students can use at home.

·        Equipment and sheet forming.

·        Working with colour.

·        Working with shape.

·        Embellishments and decoration including watermarking.

·        Drying methods.


A handout with a summary of workshop content and list of suppliers will be provided at the workshop.


Attendees can expect to go home with about 10 A6 sheets of damp plain and embellished paper that they can finish drying at home with the instructions provided at the workshop.


No date has been fixed for this workshop but it would run in 2024 if there is sufficient interest.  To be viable the workshop needs 8-10 people to enrol and the subsidised cost would be £15 per head.  Before a tutor can be engaged it is important to know if there is any appetite for this.  So, if you would like to bring papermaking back to Juniper Green on this very small scale please contact Cliff Beevers at to record your interest in attending.

Annual General Meeting


The AGM Of Juniper Green & Baberton Mains Community Council will take place at The Hub at 531 Lanark Road on Wednesday 27 September at 7.30pm. 

All JGBM residents are welcome but please email in advance if you wish to attend so that we can ensure we have space for you. Thank you. Agenda will be sent to those registering.

Juniper Green and Baberton Mains Community Council June 2023 Newsletter

JGBMCC Newsletter

1.     Delivering Future Edinburgh: getting your views on proposed action plans

2.     HUB@531

3.     Pentlands Book Festival seeks local debut authors





1.     Delivering Future Edinburgh: getting your views on proposed action plans


The City of Edinburgh Council wants to create good places to live and work across Edinburgh.  It is asking people’s views on a framework for how to best use our limited street space to provide a more welcoming environment for all.  It has also set out proposed actions in five plans which aim to:


- make Edinburgh’s streets accessible for everyone

- improve public transport and active transport networks

- fully join-up the cycle network

- deliver a people-friendly city centre including vibrant shopping streets

- create safer, thriving neighbourhoods

- achieve ambitious road safety targets, including zero fatalities on our road network by 2030

- harmful emissions across the city.


The Council is holding drop-ins where you can find out more before giving your views online


Monday 12th June, Currie Library, 3-7pm


Find out more and details of other drop-in event dates




2.     HUB@531



Pentlands Community Space (PCS) has been awarded a grant from Awards for All to employ a part-time Development Officer, temporary for a 6-month contract initially.  The post will be advertised more widely shortly but will seek to build on the initial set of events already operating.  Anyone interested and wishing more information should contact chairperson Lynn Elliott at



PCS is also looking for a Treasurer: our current incumbent having to give up the role due to job commitments.  Given that the building works are finished, more routine treasurer duties are required from now. Anyone interested in getting involved and volunteering please contact Lynn at:




TWO “GREEN” TOPICS, Monday 12 June at 10am.

Paul Bullen will talk about the Edinburgh Tool Library: what it has, how to access it etc.  And Lorraine O'Shea will talk about Colinton Village Enterprises’ Repair Cafe, and how that works.  No need to book - just turn up.  


STRESS MANAGEMENT, Monday 12 June at 7.30pm.

Following a successful similar event last year, PCS is running a mental health session entitled “Stress: What is it, why do I have it and how do I get rid of it?”, led by Dr Stephen Smith, D Clin Psy.  This standalone one-hour session will offer tools and techniques to help manage everyday stress and include a brief Q&A.


Places are limited to a maximum of 12 people.  Contact to book.


CRAFTING  CROCHET, Wednesday 14 June, 7.15pm, or Thursday 15 June, 1.30pm.

Do you fancy a relaxing fun time, chat, and meeting new people?  If so, come along to Crochet Crafting for beginners and more experienced alike.  All equipment and nibbles provided.  Donations appreciated.  Book your place by emailing


GUIDED MINDFULNESS, Thursdays 8 and 15 June at 6pm

Raymond Collins will guide a mindful session to bring awareness to the present with no judgement.  Book at or just drop in.  Raymond runs our regular Monday 12noon session and we are looking to see if there is sufficient demand for an evening session.


For other events please check the notices at the Hub itself and look out for the regular Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday sessions for Young Mums, Knitters and Sporting Memories respectively.





3.     Pentlands Book Festival seeks local debut authors


The Pentlands Book Festival committee is hard at work putting together the 2023 programme to take place in mid-to late-November, coinciding with – and extending either side of – Book Week Scotland’s annual celebration of the written word.  This year’s BWS theme is “adventure”—and certainly trying to pull together the PBF programme is exactly that.


We’re not in a position to release names yet but, as usual, we are aiming to offer something for every taste.  However, we are short of local debut authors and we would welcome and happily cover the expenses of anyone who would like a platform at Colinton Library to talk about their book(s) and perhaps sign and sell a few copies.  The date within the Festival period is still to be determined.


If you are interested in appearing at our friendly local festival please email with an outline of your publication(s) and, ideally a link to any website publicising it/ them.

Delivering Future Edinburgh: getting your views on proposed action plans


The City of Edinburgh Council wants to concentrate on creating good places to live and work across Edinburgh. It is asking people’s views on a framework for how to best use our limited street space to provide a more welcoming environment for all. It has also set out proposed actions in five plans which aim to:

- make Edinburgh’s streets accessible for everyone

- improve public transport and active transport networks

- fully join-up the cycle network

- deliver a people-friendly city centre including vibrant shopping streets

- create safer, thriving neighbourhoods

- achieve ambitious road safety targets, including zero fatalities on our road network by 2030

- harmful emissions across the city.

The Council is holding drop ins across the city where you can find out more before giving your views online

Monday 12th June, Currie Library, 3-7pm

Find out more and details of other drop in event dates 

Juniper Green and Baberton Mains Community Council Newsletter April 2023

JGBMCC Newsletter

Juniper Green and Baberton Mains Community Council April 2023 Newsletter

1.     Friends of the Grassie

2.     HUB@531 Craft Club





1.     Friends of the Grassie


One of Juniper Green and Baberton Mains Community Council’s focus areas is the safeguarding and improvement of our many wonderful greenspaces.  Bloomiehall Park has been awarded a Green Flag, and there have been various improvements to the Water of Leith walkway, but there has been very limited investment in Baberton Mains.


As a Community Council it was very important to us that we, as a small group, did not decide what was needed to improve the greenspaces in Baberton.  But that, instead, the ideas and enthusiasm would come from those who used the spaces most.  The most obvious place to start was the field in the centre of Baberton Mains, known to some as the Grassie.


In discussions, our local Councillors advised of the benefits of formalising such involvement through a "Friends of ..." group which could inform decisions around the space, including any improvements; fundraise for them, and could even in time take ownership of the space.


We engaged through various media to determine interest in forming such a group and to understand what improvements, if any, might be made to the Grassie.  We've had a couple of very positive meetings, and many views were expressed at the second meeting, which took place at The Grassie on 20th March with around 25 residents present.  After discussion a show of hands was in favour of more waste bins, particularly to the north end; investigations into drainage problems / mud / how slippery it becomes in winter; and planting flowers  - whether in planters around the path or in the grass banks.  Other suggestions included improved lighting; fruit trees similar to the recent planting in Campbell Park by Friends of Campbell Park, and benches at path level. 


At the March CC meeting, attended by Baberton Mains residents, further discussions raised concerns regarding encouraging antisocial behaviour.  However, overall it was felt that establishing a Friends of The Grassie group and making small improvements would make the area more attractive and accessible.  The Friends would also have a stronger voice in any landowner or City Council plans in the future (to be clear JGBMCC is not aware of any such plans).


If you would be interested in joining the Friends, please email or message via our Facebook page




2.     HUB@531 Craft Club


The HUB@531 is thinking of setting up a monthly 'Craft Club', for keen crafters, and we are working on plans with members of the WI. The first activity is 'Glass Painting' on Wednesday 3rd May at 7pm and Thursday 4th May at 1.30pm – bring your own glass jar to paint.  The next will be 'Crochet' in early June, but we are also looking for suggestions for other activities, and volunteers to lead some other monthly activities. 


Suggestions, ideas, offers to help to: We would love to know what crafts you would like to try. 

Community Council Meeting - Wednesday 28 June 2023 @ 7.30pm, Pentland Community Space



  1. 1. Apologies 

  2. 2. Minutes of last meeting and actions arising 

  3. 3. Community Policing update

  4. 4. Community Council Focus for 2023 

  5. a. SW Communities Corridor Project 

  6. b. Greenspaces

  7. c. Bin provision and collection 

  8. d. Traffic

  9. e. Baberton Mains Defibrillator
  10. 5. Councillors' Corner

  11. 6. Reports and Recent Meetings 

  12. a. Secretary 

  13. b. Treasurer 

  14. c. Local Planning Matters 

  15. d. School

  16. 7. AOCB 

JGBMCC Newsletter October 2022

JGBMCC Newsletter

Juniper Green and Baberton Mains Community Council October 2022 Newsletter

1.            Pentlands Book Festival, 9 - 22 November 2022

2.            Pentlands Community Space: Free events at the Hub at 531

3.            Friends of the Grassie?

4.            Double Yellow Lines

5.            Poppy Appeal: 26 October to 11 November 2022





1.            Pentlands Book Festival, 9 - 22 November 2022


Planning is complete and we are ready to release the programme and issue tickets.  Full details of each event are on the Pentlands Book Festival website  Flyers listing the programme with venues, dates, and times will be available shortly in local libraries and businesses.  Tickets are being released on Tuesday 11 October and available at the links below, or via the website, or at Currie and Colinton Libraries.  All tickets for all events are free, although we do welcome small donations - £2 per person in cash at the event is suggested (but not required).


Expect controversy, crime and cracking stories and, for those of a quieter disposition, there’ll be poetry, local history, local authors and two exciting archive visits.  Discover how to recover from illness or even write your own books.  It’s all brought to you by a team of volunteers and the wonderful Colinton and Currie libraries.


Talking of wonderful: we are looking for a wonderful person or two who would like to learn the business of sound engineering for events like these.  You’d need some evenings to spare in November and enough brain and brawn to help to set up and manage technical equipment under supervision.  To find out more about this great opportunity email 


We hope that you will find something of interest in this year’s PBF and look forward to seeing you again.


Ticketed events:


Peter Sawkins, “Peter’s Baking Party”:


Lesley Riddoch, “McSmorgasbord”:


Crime Writers’ Panel, “Three Chairs for Crime”:


Central Library, “Treasure your History”, 2pm start:


Central Library, “Treasure your History”, 3pm start:


Mary Paulson-Ellis, “Heir Piece”:


Debut Authors’ Panel:


Local Authors’ Panel:


Rosemary Goring, “Location, Location, Location: where Mary Queen of Scots made history”:


Gavin Francis, “Your Good Health”:


No tickets on Eventbrite but available by calling Liz Beevers on 0131 453 4115:


Liz Beevers, “Our Mills: the Story and Storyteller”:


Heriot-Watt University Archive, “The Tweedie Collection”:


And no tickets required for this event, but feel free to drop in any time between 2 and 4pm:

Local Authors’ Panel:


Keep an eye on our Facebook page  or Twitter or website





2.            Pentlands Community Space: Free events at the Hub at 531


Pentlands Community Space (PCS) is delighted to be organising the first events at the Hub@531 Lanark Road as preparations continue in the new community hub.  These events - guided Nordic walking groups, stress management workshops, and mindful yoga - are free thanks to a small grant won by the charity.


NORDIC WALKING: Taster and learning the technique of this total-body version of walking, using special poles to give extra support and improve arm and leg toning.  These social walking experiences, guided by Trevor, a local Nordic walking leader, are done at a gentle pace and walking poles are provided.  There is a maximum of 10 spaces on each one-hour session.  Nordic walking is a fantastic way to get out in the fresh air.


The sessions will start from the Hub@531 Lanark Road on the following dates and times:

Tuesday 11th October at 5.15 pm

Saturday 15th October at 12.00 pm

Thursday 20th October at 1.30 pm

Monday 24th October at 10.30am (only for those who have attended any of the previous sessions)


STRESS MANAGEMENT: PCS is running two mental health sessions entitled “Stress: What is it, why do I have it and how do I get rid of it?” led by Dr Stephen Smith, D Clin Psy.  These standalone one-hour sessions, which will offer tools and techniques to help manage everyday stress, will be held on Monday 24 October at 7.30pm and Tuesday 1 November at 7.30pm in the Hub@531 Lanark Road.  Places are limited to 12  each night.


MINDFUL YOGA: The yoga sessions, managed by local expert Monica from Karma Tree Yoga, will involve chair sessions for those less mobile, as well as traditional mat sessions for the more able.  They will incorporate breath and relaxation work and encourage you to let go of your everyday stresses, giving you the space to nurture your health and general wellbeing.  These sessions are likely to take place on Tuesdays towards the end of the month. 


Any of the above can be booked by emailing or by texting 07923 831 584.


If you have already indicated your interest in any of these activities we will be in touch again nearer the time. 





3.            Friends of the Grassie?


“The Grassie” is the grassed mound in the middle of Baberton Mains, widely used as a recreational space and maintained by Edinburgh Council in terms of grass cutting etc.


Edinburgh Council is keen to work in partnership with local communities and give residents a greater say in what goes on in greenspaces such as the Grassie.  To do this various “Friends of...... “ groups have been created: in our area alone we have Friends of Curriemuirend Park, Friends of Muirwood Park, and Friends of Hailes Quarry Park.


We’re keen to understand if there is any appetite from residents to set up a similar group for the Grassie.  This group could ensure residents’ views are considered should any proposals affect the area, and could even crowdfund for improvements to the space.


More information can be found here:


Or search online for “friends of edinburgh greenspace”


If you would be interested in joining such a group, please email or message via our Facebook page





4.            Double Yellow Lines.


Traffic safety is a regular source of concern to our community, and a recurring theme is inappropriate parking on both main and residential roads.


In an effort to address these we have considered various locations where we believe increased enforcement using double yellow lines would improve the safety of pedestrians and drivers and the flow of traffic including public transport.


We have listed some of the potential locations below but are keen to get your views on these and if there are any others where you think improvements could be made:

·     Around the bus stop on Baberton Mains Drive between the Avenue and the Green

·     The top of Baberton Mains Hill

·     The junction at the south-east corner of Baberton Mains Drive

·     Cul-de-sac entrances in general

·     Junction of Baberton Park and Baberton Avenue

·     Around the exit from the turning circle on Baberton Avenue

·     Around the corner of Belmont Avenue and Juniper Avenue

·     Narrower sections of the Lanark Road e.g. west of Juniper Avenue

·     The junction of Woodhall Millbrae and Baberton Crescent

If you have any suggestions or views on any of the above please email or message via our Facebook page





5.            Poppy Appeal: 26 October to 11 November 2022


JGBMCC is again combining with Currie Community Council and Pentlands Community Space to manage the Poppy Appeal this year in our shops and businesses, including Heriot-Watt University and the Oriam Sports Centre subject to their agreement.  The event runs from 26 October to 11 November.  Please consider supporting this very worthwhile cause.  More information on the Appeal is available here



Community Council Meeting - Wednesday 28 September @ 8pm, Juniper Green Kirk (Hall 2)


Juniper Green and Baberton Mains Community Council (JGBMCC) meets monthly except July and December, on the fourth Wednesday of the month.   If you wish to attend the meeting please email  




1. Apologies

2. Minutes of last meeting and actions arising

3. Community Council Focus for 2022

    a. Education Corridor inc. improving path across Muirwood Field

    b. Greenspaces inc. Queens Canopy fund

    c. Bin provision and collection

    d. Traffic inc. bike racks and double yellow lines

4. Councillors' Corner

5. Reports and Recent Meetings

    a. Secretary

    b. Treasurer

    c. Local Planning Matters

6. Any other meetings





Next meeting Wednesday 26 October 2022

Juniper Green and Baberton Mains Community Council Meeting, Wednesday 24 August 2022, 7.30pm.


Juniper Green and Baberton Mains Community Council (JGBMCC) meets monthly except July and December, on the fourth Wednesday of the month in Juniper Green Village Hall, Baberton Avenue.   If you wish to attend the meeting please email  




1. Apologies

2. Minutes of last meeting and actions arising

3. Community Council Focus for 2022

    a. Education Corridor inc. improving path across Muirwood Field

    b. Greenspaces – provision for older children, dogs and removing flooding

    c. Bin provision and collection

    d. Traffic – changes to Lanark Road to better meet community needs

4. Councillors' Corner

5. Reports and Recent Meetings

    a. Secretary

    b. Treasurer

    c. Local Planning Matters

6. Venue for future meetings 

7. Any other meetings





Next meeting Wednesday 28 September 2022

Juniper Green and Baberton Mains Community Council August 2022 Newsletter

JGBMCC Newsletter

1.            Pentlands Book Festival, 11 - 22 November 2022

2.            Pentlands Community Space

3.            Garden Waste Collection Registration Closing on 6 September

4.            Winter Booster Jags; Out-Of-Date Bank Of England paper banknotes, and Royal Mail Stamps





1.            Pentlands Book Festival, 11 - 22 November 2022


Pentlands Book Festival will celebrate its eighth year around Book Week Scotland 11-22 November. The theme is Scotland’s Stories and we will bring exciting books and their writers back to our well-loved venues.


There will be controversy, oh yes, with journalist and podcaster Lesley Riddoch. And challenge with Rosemary Goring, whose new book questions why Mary Queen of Scots got her heid chopped aff. Was it just her own fault? Or must our quarrelsome Scots ancestors bear the blame?


We shall welcome Edinburgh medic and explorer Gavin Francis, who has recently written on the very topical subject of recovery.


And no Pentlands Book Festival would be complete without some serious crime. There’ll be lots of it this year with a panel of three spanking-new crime writers and a literary visit to “the territory of the dead”, aka Portobello, with the award-winning Mary Paulson-Ellis.


We bring you new and emerging writers, too, with a panel of Scottish debut authors, organized by our own debut writer Caron McKinlay. And our local poets Helen Boden and Dorothy Baird make a welcome return: this time showcasing their published work.


Firm favourites also return, like an afternoon meeting our local authors, our visits to archives, and a history walk honouring local hero John Tweedie.  Scotland’s Stories will be told, in prose and in verse, at our 2022 Festival!


Keep an eye on our Facebook page  or Twitter or website as the programme takes shape.





2.            Pentlands Community Space


Pentlands Community Space would like to hear from you.


Below you will find information on free taster sessions coming to the hub in the Autumn and a request for your views.


PCS has been awarded a small grant to run a couple of stress management groups, six Nordic walking classes and five yoga sessions; all free.  Dates are being fixed for these events and further information will appear when we have all the dates so you can book the event(s) of your choice.  Places will be limited and allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.  Please keep an eye out for booking details in the next C&B News; on posters; this newsletter list, and the PCS Facebook page


In addition, PCS is starting to take bookings for other classes, including first aid for parents and grandparents.  More details on this and other events will appear in due course, so keep watching for PCS news.


Looking to the future to when the hub is fully open, we would like to hear from you.  What would you like to see running at the hub?  Would you be a regular user of facilities there?  What cost for events would be reasonable?  Would you contribute your talents to the hub’s success? 


A short survey has been prepared online at]


Or on paper by picking up a form from Molly’s Deli in Juniper Green and returning it there.


Your views are important to PCS so please give us your feedback.


Feel free to pass this message on to your own network of interested residents.





3.            Garden Waste Collection Registration Closing on 6 September


Garden waste permits expire on 6 November 2022 and permits, £35 each, must be renewed by 2 pm on 6 September 2022.  You can pay by direct debit or make a one-off payment.  A family member or friend can register online for you if you can’t do it yourself.


Some households don’t have to pay for a garden waste permit: if you qualify for council tax reduction; or get council tax discount or exemption because someone who lives in the property is classed as severely mentally impaired; or receive garden aid but don't have to pay for it. You will still need to register for the service but won’t be charged.


Find out more and sign up online at and follow the instructions.





4.            Winter Booster Jags; Out-Of-Date Bank Of England paper banknotes, and Royal Mail Stamps


Quick reminders. 


If you're 65 and over, you'll soon receive a letter inviting you to get your flu vaccination and a COVID-19 booster.   You’ll only need one appointment for both.   Appointments for all other priority groups will be made as the programme progresses: wait until you are contacted or called forward.


More information here:



30 September is the last day you can use Bank of England £20 and £50 paper notes.  Read more here



Royal Mail is adding barcodes to all regular ‘everyday’ stamps.  Any non-barcoded stamps will be valid until 31 January 2023. If you won’t use all of your stamps by that date you can swap them for barcoded ones.


More information is available on the website






Royal Mail is adding barcodes to all regular ‘everyday’ stamps. These are the stamps that feature the profile of the Queen on a plain coloured background.

Any non-barcoded stamps will be valid until 31 January 2023, but not after that date. If you won’t be able to use all of your stamps by that date you can swap them for barcoded ones.

Note: Special Stamps with pictures on and Christmas Stamps without a barcode will continue to be valid and don't need to be swapped.


Using them up:

You can carry on using any non-barcoded stamps you have until 31 January 2023.

If you have too many stamps to use them up before this date you can exchange them for new barcoded ones through Royal Mail’s ‘Swap Out’ scheme.


Swapping them out:

Your non-barcoded stamps can be exchanged for the new barcoded version through the Stamp Swap Out scheme. To swap out your stamps, simply complete one of the Stamp Swap Out forms and send it to Royal Mail along with your non-barcoded stamps. The step by step process for doing this is explained below.


How to get a ‘Stamp Swap Out’ form

If you have a printer, you can swap out up to £200 worth of non-barcoded stamps by printing out and completing the Stamp Swap Out form on the Royal Mail website and send it free of charge, along with your stamps, by writing on the envelope Freepost SWAP OUT. No other address details or postcode are needed.


If you have a printer, and more than £200 worth of stamps to swap out then use the Bulk Stamp Swap Out form. The address to send this to is:

Royal Mail

Swap Out

Tallents House

21 South Gyle Crescent


EH12 9PB


If you don’t have access to a printer you can request a Stamp Swap Out form to be posted to you by completing this form online . The instructions for sending back will depend on the form you request.


'Stamp Swap Out' forms are also available from the Customer Service Point at your local Delivery Offices (but please note they will only have the forms for the up to £200 option). Or you can call the Customer Experience Team on 03457 740740.


More information is available in the Q&A section on the website



Yes, your PBF committee has been working hard and is pleased to advise the following:

Pentlands Book Festival will celebrate its eighth year in 2022 around Book Week Scotland 11-22 November. The theme is Scotland’s Stories and we will bring exciting books and their writers back to our well-loved venues.

There will be controversy, oh yes, with journalist and podcaster Lesley Riddoch. And challenge with Rosemary Goring, whose new book questions why Mary Queen of Scots got her heid chopped aff. Was it just her own fault? Or must our quarrelsome Scots ancestors bear the blame?

We shall welcome Edinburgh medic and explorer Gavin Francis, who has recently written on the very topical subject of recovery. And no Pentlands Book Festival would be complete without some serious crime. There’ll be lots of it this year with a panel of three spanking new crime writers and a literary visit to “the territory of the dead”, aka Portobello, with the award-winning Mary Paulson Ellis.

We bring you new and emerging writers, too, with a panel of Scottish debut authors, organized by our own debut writer Caron McKinlay. And our local poets Helen Boden and Dorothy Baird make a welcome return: this time showcasing their published work.

Firm favourites also return, like an afternoon meeting our local authors, our visits to archives, and a history walk honouring local hero John Tweedie. Scotland’s Stories will be told, in prose and in verse, at our 2022 Festival!

Watch this website as the programme takes shape and Facebook


Local Businesses

We’re very pleased to let you know that Merryhatton Garden Centre has been successful in taking over the lease at the old RBS building, 540A Lanark Road.  

Helen, the owner, and Nick, the manager, were very pleased with all the helpful comments made on Facebook, and look forward to further community input.  

To give you an idea of what the shop may stock, the link to the Garden Centre is here



Students from Edinburgh and Heriot-Watt Universities are working on 20-minute neighbourhood projects that hopefully will produce data that will be helpful to our communities.

It would be really useful if people over 60 from Currie and Juniper Green/Baberton Mains could complete the survey form. The deadline is 22nd July 2022.

The survey is online at:

You do not need to provide personal details, or your address if you do not wish to.



JGBMCC has been approached by a business considering opening a plant shop in the old RBS building in Juniper Green and would appreciate input from the local community in terms of what it might sell as well as what services it could offer the community.

The concept is a garden shop which would focus primarily on houseplants and related products, but also include small ranges of other items such as high-quality gifts, greetings cards, cookware etc. The business already operates a garden centre and would also look to offer their entire range of goods such as peat-free composts, garden furniture and a large, diverse range of outdoor plants, with next-day delivery.  In the lead-up to Christmas the seasonal gardening section would be turned into a Christmas boutique with a focus on quality decorations and lights in “stunning displays”.  However, the business is very much plant-oriented and plans to keep this to the fore.

If all goes to plan they hope to open around mid-August this year.


Please email any comments or feedback for the business to


(BTW, if you wondered about the possible pet shop opening in the same premises, unfortunately that plan is not now going ahead.)


Thank you

Juniper Green and Baberton Mains Community Council Annual General Meeting and Ordinary Meeting, Wednesday 22 June 2022, 7.30pm. In-Person (and possibly Online via Zoom)


Juniper Green and Baberton Mains Community Council (JGBMCC) is holding its Annual General Meeting, followed by an Ordinary Meeting, on Wednesday 22 June 2022 at 7.30pm.  The meeting will be held physically in-person in Juniper Green Village Hall and, we hope, online via Zoom.

These meetings are open to the public.  Should you wish to attend, either physically or online, please email and to receive joining instructions and agendas